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 News Archive 2019

William Barr talked with FBI Director Christopher Wray about forming a "high level group" to counter foreign interference into the 2020 Presidential Election
by Nathan'ette Burdine: May 31, 2019

U.S. Attorney General William Barr wants folks to know that he knows the Russians attacked our democracy by hacking into the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) servers and then releasing the DNC’s emails and data to Wikileaks.

During a sit down with CBS News “This Morning's” Jan Crawford, William Barr said that he’s talked to FBI Director Christopher Wray about forming a “high level group” to counter any foreign interference in the 2020 Presidential Election.

Barr said to Crawford, “We do have an increasingly robust program that is focusing on foreign influence in our election process. And I talked recently the director of the FBI about putting together a special high level group to make sure we’re totally prepared for the upcoming election.”

Barr told Jan Crawford that he is certain the election process will be protected because he’s taken steps that the Obama Administration did not during then President Barack Obama’s tenure.

    "Do you think enough was done in 2016?" Crawford asked.

     "Probably Not." Barr responded.

Barr told Crawford that due to the sensitivity of the matter, he could not go into the details about the FBI's program to counter foreign interference into the 2020 Presidential Election.

William Barr’s position that Russia attacked the U.S. elections is in line with former Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia attacked our election system as part of its ongoing efforts to weaken democracies throughout the world.

Donald Trump, however, continuous to side with Russian President Vladimir Putin who denies using an arm of the Russian military, along with fake social media accounts, in order to interfere in the 2016 Presidential Election.

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